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Humanistic quiet Trips: Yangming Shrine in Guiyang, Guizhou Province
CCNPIC  By Anna Luo


021-5081 贵阳阳明祠

ID:021-5081 Yangming Shrine in Guiyang      Picture


021-5078 贵阳阳明祠桂花厅

ID:021-5078 Yangming Shrine in Guiyang      Picture


021-5065 贵阳阳明祠

ID:021-5065 Yangming Shrine in Guiyang      Picture


021-5072 贵阳阳明祠

ID:021-5072 Yangming Shrine in Guiyang      Picture


021-5077 贵阳阳明祠

ID:021-5077 Yangming Shrine in Guiyang      Picture

  (CCNPIC Anna Luo)

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